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What can you advise for building kits or customs designs and requiring a powering system for boats?

We need to know the following before we could specifically answer the question:

1. The overall size;

2. Is it a performance boat, cruising boat, or scale ship?

3. What kind of propeller and speed are desired?

 For a performance boat, we look for high kV motors that can run on 2-3 cell batteries and a high pitch cavitation propeller.

 For a cruising boat, the best option is something with a little bit lower kV with the option to run 2-3 cell as well with a slightly larger more scale-like propeller.

Finally, for a scale ship, the best option is a low KV motor, like 800-900, especially if there will be 2-3 motors spinning a large 3-4 blade propeller.

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