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How Can I Update My Email Address?

To update your email address:

1. Log in to your HobbyKing account.

2. Click "Dashboard". When you hover your name at the top right portion of our page.

3. Click "Account Information".

4. Click "Edit".

5. Modify "Email Address" then click "SAVE".



  • If you referred HobbyKing to your friends, you will no longer receive any future rewards points from the referral program after changing the email address. Therefore, by submitting these changes you confirm and accept this term and condition. Please visit this link for more information on the HobbyKing Referral Program. 
  • Email address on orders will remain the same address that was used during checkout/purchase of the order.

** If you need further assistance, click HERE to CONTACT US.



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    Leslie Freiborg

    I have a new email address and can not get it changed. it just goes back to the old one new address is lesliefreiborg@hotmail.com