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General Rules For Posting To HobbyKing's Support Forums

Welcome to the Hobby King forum, the best place to get all the information and help you need regarding Hobby King products. The following are the general rules of posting and conduct:


1. When posting, please remember that it is a public post. To protect your account, do not reveal any personal, login or any payment information.
*As we receive a high volume of post per day, HobbyKing.com will not be liable for private information posted in public support forum. 
2. please keep the subject matter relative to the topic that you are posting in.
3. No profanity, name-calling, or harassment will be allowed at any time.  Lighthearted joking is tolerated under the right circumstances, after all, this is supposed to be fun too! This is an all-ages forum, so please keep it friendly. Anyone who doesn't abide by this rule will be subject to removal from the forum.
4. The "Support Forum" is where you need to go if you need help from Customer Support, please include your order number in the subject line of your post. No posting will be allowed by anyone other than the OP, CS Patrol, or Forum Admin/Moderators, all other posts will be deleted without warning. This is to ensure that CS Patrol can help the person in need as quickly as possible.
5. We welcome you to post anything you are interested in that is not RC related, but please do so in the "Off-Topic Forum ", and remember, family-friendly material only.
6. If you encounter anyone breaking these rules, you may report the post or send a private message to one of the Forum Moderators or Administrators, or contact Customer Support, they will be happy to help you.
7. No posting of Hobby King prices allowed on the forums.  Posts will either be edited or deleted.
8. Posting links to off-site web pages is not allowed. 
9. most important, Have fun!
** If you need further assistance, click HERE to CONTACT US.
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