Backordered items can be cancelled instantly for store credit, however, if you wish to recalculate shipping or change your order you must contact customer service first. Our backorder Cancel Item function is very simple and will only refund the cost of the product to store credit. If you would like to make additional changes to your order or have questions, please contact customer service BEFORE canceling your items.
Prevailing Language:
The Terms and Conditions shall be prepared and executed in English and if translated into a language other than English for any purpose, the English version shall in all events prevail and be paramount in the event of any differences, questions, or disputes concerning the meaning, form, validity, or interpretation of the Terms and Conditions.
Cancel order 102456328 or change item for 2 turnigy lipo 6s 3600 amh 30c please thank you.
I have already ordered something from you several times and it has never arrived, then it will be credited to my account for a repeat order which then does not come again! ask for a money back to my card !!!!!!!
cancel order 102533685
Bestellunng stonieren 300308500
annule la commande 22200202291
cancel order 102833355
Cancel order #102835393
cancel order # 102856695
I want cancel this order.102845054
Randy Shiosaki, I wan to cancel order number 20226060006
Cancel order 22200228840
I canceled an order containing two back ordered items and the money is not on my card or store credit. And it was $126 so I'm gonna need that back asap. It's been over a week.
pourquoi le statut de ma commande marque annulé merci
Cancel order 300357910
Cancel order 300365104