To help you guys make the best-informed purchasing decision, we have rolled out a new feature on our website which allows everyone with an account to ask, discuss, and most importantly, share their experiences of a specific product.
How does it work?
Every product will now have a new “Discuss” tab. To post a question simply login to your account and select “Post A New Topic”. (If you don’t already have an account, you can register here)
Write your question, fill in the anti-spambot Verification Code, and just click the “Post Topic” button. Your question will be reviewed by our Customer Service team and will typically be approved if the post is appropriate and relevant to the product. You can also get an email notification, unless you opted out (unsubscribed) from notifications, whenever there is a response to your post
Anyone can reply to any questions and our Customer Service team will also be there to resolve any problems as needed in a timely manner. Each product can have an unlimited number of topics or questions that will ultimately help you make a fully informed purchase with confidence.
Upcoming Features
Our development team is currently working on a phase 2 implementation where we will introduce a “Discussion” credit system based on contributions. The more questions and answers you post, the more “Discussion” credits you will receive. As to how the “Discussion” credits can be used, you will have to wait to find out, but trust us, you will LOVE IT!
We hope you find this useful and do let us know if you have any queries or concerns regarding this new feature and we would be happy to help.
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